Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences recruitment 2021 | Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences job 2021 | Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences recruitment vacay details | Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences recruitment Eligibility | Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences recruitment documents | Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences recruitment online | HIMS jobs karnataka | HIMS job
Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences (HIMS) has invited applications for Professor, Associate, and Assistant Professor posts. Interested candidates can apply online before 15 November 2021 and the Walk-in-interview will be conducted on 17 November 2021. Interested candidates can download the notification from the link or www.himshassan.karnataka.gov.in
Vacancy details for MRU(Multidisciplinary Research Unit)
Name of Posts
Number of Posts
Research scientist-II
Research Scientist -I
Lab Technician
Data Entry/Lab Asst
The above-mentioned posts are on a contract basis only and more details about the eligibility criteria, age limit, and other info given on the official HIMS website
Eligibility Criteria
1. Professor
The candidate interested to apply for the post of Professor should have done Post Graduation -MD/MS in the concerned subject.
Shaould have experience of 3 years working as an associate professor in a recognized university/Medical college.
Should have 2 research publications as 1st author.
Or should have 2 research publications in the subjects-Medline/ Pubmed Central/Citation index/ Sciences Citation index/expanded Embase/ Scopus/ Directory of Open access journals will be given preference). The author must be among one of the three authors or should be- Corresponding author.
The candidate Should have completed the Basic course in – Medical Education Tecnology /biomedical research from Institution by MCI.
The number of posts for candidates belonging to General Merit category under Residual parent cadre is 01 post.
The number of posts for candidates belonging to General Merit category under local parent cadre is 01 post.
The pay scale for Professor post is Rs.1,44,200-2,18,200/-
2. Associate Professor
The candidate interested to apply for the post of Associate Professor should have done Post Graduation -MD/MS in the concerned subject as per the regulations of TEQ.
The candidate should an experience of 4 years in the concerned subject with atleast 2 research publications.
Should have 2 research publications in the subjects-Medline/ Pubmed Central/Citation index/ Sciences Citation index/expanded Embase/ Scopus/ Directory of Open access journals will be given preference). The author must be among one of the three authors or should be- Corresponding author.
The candidate Should have completed the Basic course in – Medical Education Tecnology /biomedical research from Institution by MCI.
The number of posts for candidates belonging to ST category under Residual parent cadre is 01 post.
The pay scale for Associate Professor is Rs. 1,31,400 – 2,17,100/-
3. Assistant Professor
The candidate interested to apply for the post of Associate Professor should have done Post Graduation -MD/MS in the concerned subject as per the regulations of TEQ.
The candidate should have worked for 3 Years as a Junior Resident and one year as Senior Resident in the concerned subject in a recognized medical college/Institute.
The candidate should have a 3 years of experience in teaching in the subject as Resident/ Regular Demonstrator/ Tutor/ or should have work experience during DNB training.
Should have one year of teaching experience as Senior Resident in the concerned subject in a recognized medical college.
Vacancy for Residual parent cadre-Vacancy for candidates belonging to SC category- (Ex-Service men-1, Physically Handicapped-1)
Vacancy for candidates belonging to II(A) category-(Ex-Service men-1, Physically Handicapped-1)
Vacancy for candidates belonging to II(B) category(Women-2)
Vacancy for candidates belonging to GM category(women-5,Rural-2,Ex-Servicemen-3,Physically handicapped-1,Kannada Medium-1,Transgender-1)
Vacancy for Local Parent Cadre- For candidates belonging to SC category-(GM-1 post) and General Merit for women candidates-1 post.
The Pay scale for Assistant Professor is : Rs.79,800- 2,11,500/-
The vacancy details according to a category are mentioned in the notification link.
Method of Selection for teaching faculty(Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor)
Total Marks
Academic Performance
Method of Selection for LMO/CMO officer
Total Marks
Academic Performance
Selection Method for Psychologist
Academic Performance
Selection Method for Research Scientist-I
Academic Performance
Age Limit(Teaching Posts)
1. Professor
The upper age limit to apply for the post of Professor for General category is 50 years.
The upper age limit for OBC is 53 years and for SC/ST and cat-I is 55 years.
2. Associate Professor
The upper age limit for General merit candidates is -45 years
For OBC candidates-48 years
For SC/ST/Cat-I candidates-50 years
3. Assistant Professor
The upper age limit for GM candidates is- 38 years
For OBC is 40 years.
For SC/ST/Cat-I is 43 years.
Age limit for Non-Teaching
1. CMO/LMO officers
The upper age limit for GM candidates is 42 years
OBC-45 years(Cat II-A,II-B,III-A,III-B)
SC/ST/Cat-I is 47 years
2. Psychologist
The upper age limit for GM candidates is 35 years
OBC-38 years(Cat II-A,II-B,III-A,III-B)
SC/ST/Cat-I is 40 years.
Important Instructions before applying
The Reservations for the above mentioned posts are as per Karnataka State Government norms.
The candidates need to register their names on 17 November 2021 before 9:30 A.M.
The original copies of publications need to be submitted along with the attestation at the time of interview.
Candidates currently working for a Government /Private Organization need to submit the “No objection letter” from the current employer.
The Candidates should submit their application form along with D.D of Rs.2500/- in favour of The Director, HIMS, Hassan.
Or the candidates can register their names by sending application forms & other attachments attested by post to the office of Chief Administrative Officer, HIMS, Hassan-573201. Should be sent before 5:00 pm on 15 November 2021.
No TA/DA will be paid for the Candidates to attend the interview.